The 17th annual World Class Speaking Coach Certification Program

June 10, 2025

Seminars delivered over ZOOM. Offered ONLY once per year. Limited space.
Questions?  Call 800-682-5063 or email

Special Offer:  
If you are seriously interested in becoming a successful speech coach, Craig Valentine is offering, for the first time, a personal one-on-one call to help you reach that goal.

Do you know the secret to making it BIG in the speaking industry?

Most people won’t tell you this but the real key to making it big in the speaking industry is to have multiple streams of speaking income. If you only give speeches, you will be unemployed between each engagement.

Craig Valentine

World Champion
of Public Speaking

World Class Speaking Certification logo

One of the greatest, most fulfilling, and most profitable income streams is speech coaching.

Here’s how you can become a highly-profitable speech coach while greatly enhancing your speaking skills and career

Les Brown

World's Leading Motivational Speaker

“Craig Valentine is the best trainer of speakers that I’ve seen since coming into this industry.”

Speech coaching is fulfilling because you are literally helping people in a very practical way and you’re getting paid a whole heck of a lot for it!
Plus, it often leads to other profitable opportunities.
Think about it.
With speech coaching you can…

  • Generate more income in one session than many speakers make in one month
  • Coach from the comforts of your own home or travel and do it in person
  • Run the business around the lifestyle you desire
  • Thrill people with your processes and wisdom
  • Watch your clients get results that surpass their expectations
  • Work with some of the most interesting people on the planet!
  • Build relationships that lead into other lucrative opportunities

And You Can Speak More Too!

A little-known truth about speech coaching is that it gives you more visibility which leads to more speaking opportunities as well.

Take a look at some of our graduates and how they’ve leveraged speaking and coaching and other income streams into profits.

Deidre Van Nest

Certified World Class Speaking Coach

"Had a huge win tonight! Launched our Speak and Get Patients Program for chiropractors today at a live event. Converted 35% of the room during a 75-minute talk bringing in over $11,000 in biz ($997.00 down to $797.00) made connections for private sessions and National Speaking Gigs."

Jennifer Leone leads a presentation class

Certified World Class Speaking Coach Jennifer Leone leads a presentation class in Castle Hill, Australia

Click the play button to watch the video message.

Amy Ayoub’s Life-Changing Question

Amy Ayoub was a few weeks away from graduating from our World Class Speaking Coach Certification Program when she contacted me, via e-mail, and asked,

Craig, I know I’m not officially certified yet, but I want to send out some fliers locally (in Vegas) so that I can drum up interest in my speech coaching business. This is the best time to send them out. Can I use the World Class Speaking logo on these fliers?”

Usually we want participants to graduate first before officially using the logo, the systems, the models, the templates, etc. After all, those are strictly for our Certified coaches to use. However, Amy always contributed in the classes and, frankly, I knew she wouldn’t have any problem graduating. As a result, I said, “Sure. No problem. Feel free to use the logo.” She did. Shortly after that she graduated.

Fast forward one year and Amy already had 37 clients each paying her $2,500. You can do the math. I even went out to Las Vegas and joined Amy for her Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony.

Amy demonstrated that it’s possible for YOU to have immediate success after taking this course.

World Class Speaking Coaches

I joined Amy Ayoub for her ribbon-cutting ceremony in Las Vegas.

You Want Me to Do What?

Speaking of building relationships that lead to other lucrative opportunities and working with some of the most interesting people on the planet, just look what happened to me not long ago.  

I got a phone call from a person who was the CEO of a highly successful healthcare company and she said, “Craig, you don’t know me yet but I would like for you to coach me on an upcoming speech.”

I met her in my own hometown and coached her for a half-day session. To make a long story short, she ended up hiring me a few more times to coach her on additional speeches. After all, she IS a brilliant business person and has lots of wisdom to share.

It Gets Better

But this is where it gets even better. Her large company needed a keynote speaker for their annual convention that they were holding in Las Vegas. Guess who she recommended? Me! I did the keynote, received a standing ovation AND a standing invitation to come back and do it again. The next year I gave a keynote as well. Afterwards, during that second year, I gave additional speeches and even licensed one of my models (one of the models you’ll be certified to use once you finish this WCS Certification Course) and they paid me extremely well for it.

In a nutshell, that one initial coaching session led to me doing more than $70,000 in one year just from her organization alone. That’s almost like a salary for some people. For me it was another example of how speech coaching often leads to several additional highly-profitable streams of income. It does for me and can do for you too.

David Otey testimonial
U.S. Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Lefford Fate

Certified World Class Speaking Coach

"I made $10,000 for the speech and they said they are bringing me back next year to speak at their forum and at another forum as well. So I received two more engagements strictly based off of the coaching from Craig Valentine."

What are the Two Roadblocks Stopping Most People from Becoming a Profitable Speech Coach?


Many people don’t become speech coaches because they don’t feel they have earned enough credibility to coach someone. The sentiment I often hear is, “Craig, I’m not even a well-known speaker so how can I coach someone to speak?”


The other reason people don’t take advantage of this lucrative business of speech coaching is confusion. They don’t know how to take a client from an idea to a compelling speech. Why? Because they don’t have a system for doing so.

As a result, these would-be-fantastic speech coaches become frustrated and even insecure as they wonder, “Can I really do this? Is it really possible?” The answer is yes, but only with the proper vehicle. It must be a vehicle that gives you the credibility and the system you need for surefire success.

World Class Speaking Certification logo

What Happens When You Become a Certified World Class Speaking Coach?

Thanks to the World Class Speaking Coach Certification program, the two barriers (lack of credibility and lack of a proven speech coaching system) are no longer in the way. In fact, those are two major strengths of our program, because, once you graduate, you get these 5 Cs.


Prospects and clients believe in the World Class Speaking system and so, once you become certified, the credibility of WCS is passed on to you. As a Certified World Class Speaking Coach, you’ll have a definite leg up on others in terms of credibility. From our #1 Best-selling book to the more than 200 WCS Certified Coaches around the world, and over 20 years of these proven processes being used, you’ll definitely have the clout.


As a graduate, you’ll immediately be able to use the exact same processes, models, templates, systems, and formulas that have been proven to work for decades now. In other words, you won’t need to re-create the wheel. Simply use our models such as storytelling, keynoting, back of the room sales, delivery, humor, etc. when you coach your clients.


By the time you finish this 12-week program, you’ll know more about speaking and speech coaching than 99% of people who ever stood up to say anything. This knowledge, along with the practice you’ll get in the course, will give you the confidence to coach anyone from someone who is just starting out, to a CEO, to an athlete, and even an engineer!


You’ll receive more processes in this course than you’ll probably ever need to use. However, you’ll be competent enough to know which tools to use and how to use them at all times. This is why clients will keep coming back to you and keep referring others to you.


Once you graduate, don’t be surprised if we send prospects and customers your way. I’ve done this for years. And here’s the exciting part. For the hundreds of times I’ve had to say to a prospect, “I won’t have the time to work with you but I can refer you to one of our Certified World Class Speaking Coaches,” guess what has NEVER happened? They’ve NEVER said, “No.” Do you know what that tells me? Credibility truly IS transferred to you! They want the proven tools whether those tools come from Mitch, from me, or from you as a Certified Coach.

Look at how the program has helped our graduates find massive success in many different ways

Amy Ayoub

Amy Ayoub

Certified World Class Speaking Coach, Amy Ayoub, has literally had a movie made about her life and it is currently winning Best-Picture Awards at film festivals around the country. She’s helping to save lives.

Manoj Vasudevan

Manoj Vasudevan

Certified World Class Speaking Coach Manoj Vasudevan won the Toastmasters International 2017 World Championship of Public Speaking.

Kathryn MacKenzie

Kathryn MacKenzie

Certified World Class Speaking Coach Kathryn MacKenzie wrote the immensely popular book, "Speeches That Will Leave Them Speechless". Look who wrote the Foreword!

How Would You Like to Have This Happen to You on a Regular Basis?

Wouldn't you like to...

• Get a healthy mix of speech coaching sessions and speaking engagements with repeat clients?
• Uncover additional streams of speaking income using our WCS processes?
• Become known as the best speech coach in your neck of the woods?
• Be so good that the word of mouth to hire you spreads like wildfire?
• Travel the world earning income and touching lives as a speech coach
• Stay home earning income and touching lives as a speech coach (virtually)
• Be confident heading into every speech coaching session because you’ll know you have more tools than you’ll ever need to use
• Earn income by coaching groups, individuals, or a combination of both
• Know that you are making a real difference in the lives of your clients as you help them spread their messages?
• Become World Class in coaching and speaking?

If you answered yes to ANY of these questions, then the World Class Speaking Coach Certification program is for you.

When Do We Start and How Does It Work?

This series of content-rich ZOOM seminars starts on June 10, 2025
and runs for 12 consecutive Wednesdays.

Each call will take place from 1:00pm to 2:10pm Eastern (New York Time Zone).

Just think, a few months from now, you can be generating more income than you ever thought possible as a speech coach and even as a speaker too.

Instead of coming to a multi-day seminar where it feels like you’re fed information with a firehose, you will get a comfortable and manageable fresh glass of stellar content each week.

You will have “Fieldwork” to do each week that will help you apply the systems, processes, models, and templates that will serve you and your clients for the rest of your coaching and speaking careers.

If you can’t attend each live call, that’s no problem. We will record all calls and make them immediately available to you so you can enjoy them around your own schedule. The key is to do the Fieldwork after you listen to the call.

And, as you probably inferred, there’s no travel! You can simply attend our calls from wherever you happen to be (home, office, bed). No airports, no hassle, no travel, no rental cars, no hotel rooms, and no additional expenses. We have graduates in dozens of countries and you can attend from wherever you are in the world!

Once you graduate, you will be invited into our exclusive Facebook Group for Certified World Class Speaking Coaches. In it you can continue to get advice, make lucrative partnerships with other WCS Coaches, and stay in touch with Mitch and me. All of this is for no extra fee.

World Class Speaking Certification logo

Take a look at the 12-week schedule below

"I Don’t Do That!" 

I understand the doubt that can occur when you think about the idea of speech coaching.

Way back in 1999 I received a call and the gentleman said, “Craig, this is Wade Randolph. I want you to coach me in public speaking.

I said, “Wade, I’m not a speech coach. I’m just a speaker.

He said, “But I like your style of speaking so I really want YOU to coach me.

I said, “Wade, I wouldn’t even know where to start.

He said, “I’ll pay you.

I said, “That’s a good place to start!

I ended up meeting Wade at a library in Washington, DC and started coaching him. Honestly, I had no idea what I was doing. Why? I had no systems. I had no processes. I had no experience. I simply went with the flow and did the best I could.

To my surprise, Wade booked another session with me. And then another. And then other people heard about it and started booking sessions with me. As I coached more and more people, I started developing more processes and systems they could use to simplify their speech development.

From Garbage to Gold

Probably 90% of what I taught early on was garbage, but 10% was gold.
Eventually I focused more on that 10% until the processes became proven over and over again and my clients began to deliverer remarkable results on stage.

In fact, Wade Randolph has gone on to be a very popular speaker who has shared the stage with Les Brown and he has even spoken internationally to great reviews.
Oh, and guess what else Wade did?
He became a Certified World Class Speaking Coach too!
Full circle, right?  

World Class Speaking Certification logo

Proven Processes

Twenty years later, these processes are now proven to be World Class and they’ve even been encapsulated in our #1 Bestseller, "World Class Speaking In Action", which was written by 50 of our World Class Speaking Certified Coaches as well as Mitch Meyerson and me.

World Class Speaking in Action book

Today the World Class Speaking brand is highly credible and the system is surefire.

Wade Randolph testimonial

Meet Your Instructors

Craig Valentine

Craig Valentine

Craig Valentine, MBA, an award-winning speaker, management trainer, and speech coach, has traveled the world helping speakers breathe life into their presentations. He has spoken in 20 countries and trained speakers from dozens more. In 1999 he won the World Championship of Public Speaking for Toastmasters International after competing with more than 25,000 contestants from 20 countries.

Craig is the author of The Nuts and Bolts of Public Speaking, co-author of World Class Speaking, co-author of the #1 Bestseller World Class Speaking In Action and contributing author of Guerrilla Marketing on the Front Lines. He is the Founder of Craig Valentine’s Speak and Prosper Academy which is where good speakers go to become great.

Craig also has an MBA from Johns Hopkins University and is certified as a Co-Active Coach and a Guerrilla Marketing Coach.
Before becoming a full-time speaker, Craig delivered sales presentations for Glencoe/McGraw-Hill and won the Mid-Atlantic Division’s Salesperson of the Year award 3 times. He currently averages more than 50 presentations per year and works with presenters from Toronto to Taiwan. His rehire rate as a speaker exceeds 90%.

Craig has also received the Congressional Achievement Award from the United States Congress for excellence in communications.

Mitch Meyerson

Mitch Meyerson

Mitch Meyerson is a dynamic speaker and the author of 11 personal and business development books including the #1 Bestsellers Mastering Online Marketing, Success Secrets of The Online Marketing Superstars, Guerrilla Marketing On The Front Lines, Guerrilla Marketing On The Internet, Six Keys To Creating The Life You Desire, When Is Enough Enough?, When Parents Love Too Much.

His books are published in 24 languages and he has been the featured expert on the Oprah Winfrey how.

His latest bestselling books are Success Secrets Of The Online Marketing Superstars (Feb 2015) and World Class Speaking In Action (May 2014).

Since 1999 Mitch founded four groundbreaking Internet based programs including The Guerrilla Marketing Coach Certification Program which has certified over 320 Guerrilla Marketing Coaches worldwide, The 90 Day Product Factory, The Online Traffic School and Master Business Building Club. He has trained business owners worldwide in his online innovative marketing strategies.

Mitch is also an accomplished jazz musician/songwriter and lives in Scottsdale, AZ.

The Proof of this Program is in the Performance of our Graduates

Will Reed and Craig Valentine

Certified World Class Speaking Coach Will Reed started World Class Speaking Japan and I joined him in Tokyo for the kickoff event.

Will also wrote a best-selling book in Japan based on the World Class Speaking system.

Will Reed

Will has also hosted television programs that have been seen by millions of people from all over Japan.

Are You Ready to Be a Profitable, In-Demand Speech Coach?

Now it’s YOUR turn to reap the rewards of this proven World Class Speaking Coach Certification Program and serve a much-needed market that’s willing to pay for your valuable service.  

Register below for the 17th Annual World Class Speaking Coach Certification Program before it's too late. We only offer it once per year and it’s limited to the first 25 participants so act now to make this YOUR year to become the speech coach others can’t take the stage without.

What Is the Investment?

When people come to me for a half-day of speech coaching, they pay a fee of at least $2,500. Imagine if you only had 4 of these types of clients per month. You’d make an extra 6 figures per year!

But you might think, “Well, Craig, you’ve been doing this for 20 years and you’re a World Champion so of course YOU can get all of these clients. But what about me? Will I be able to get clients too?”

That’s a great question. Just look at all of the testimonials on this page. These graduates were not World Champions or famous before they became Certified and they are thriving.

If they can do it, you can too.

There’s a difference between an investment and expense.

Look at this as an investment. What is the actual investment?

Show Me the Numbers

You now have the opportunity to become a Certified World Class Speaking Coach
for a one-time investment of $2,495.

Invest once, inspire forever

Think about this as a one-time fee that can get you paid much higher fees over and over again for your entire coaching and speaking life. Now THAT’S the gift that keeps on giving.


Most certification programs require you to continue paying fees to remain certified.
We don’t. There’s no annual fee.
There’s no extra fee to use the models, templates, formulas, etc.
There’s no fee for using the logo and the other credibility-building tools.
It’s just a one-time investment with a lifetime of healthy, positive returns.  

The only issue is we limit the program to 25 spots per year and we only conduct the course once per year.
So, don’t wait.

Be 1 of only 25  

 How to Register?  

Getting Started is as Easy as 1-2-3


Step 1. Choose which payment plan you’d like to use (1-time payment or the 4-monthly payments) and go through the registration process.


Wait until a week before the first call to receive information on how to set up your profile in the Online Environment that we’ll use throughout the entire course.


Join Mitch Meyerson and me on the weekly calls (or listen to the replays) using the access information you'll find in the Online Environment so you can get the systems, processes, models, templates, and wisdom that will give you the credibility and competence to become an in-demand World Class Speaking Coach.

That's it!

Hold Your Spot Now Before We Are Full
Regular price $2,995.00 with no recurring fees

For a time limited period we are offering $500 off

If you are ready to pay by credit card you can use our shopping cart below.
Thank You!


(4 Monthly payments of $624.00)
(billed every 30 days)

We accept Visa, MasterCard, and American Express

You’ve Seen What They’ve Done but What Have they Said About the WCS Program?

Look at what Amy had to say within one month of graduating from the program.

Amy Ayoub

"This was undoubtedly the smartest investment I've made for my speaking career. I already have a group put together that I will be training beginning mid-January...that would have been impossible without this World Class Speaking Certification course. I will never be able to thank you both enough. You handed me a niche I was meant to excel in. Thank you a thousand times. I've made over ten times my investment already."

Jennifer Leone


"The Certified World Class Speaking Coach course has been the next step for me in my speaking business. It was excellent. For twelve weeks the information was overflowing and vital in making your business grow to the next level. I loved it! What I now know is detailed, World Class and more superior than anything else I come across. The best investment I have made. I now charge more per session with my clients and I have had positive feedback from clients that say my coaching style is like no other they have come across. The information I now pass on to clients is World Class, thank you Craig and Mitch"

Deirdre Van Nest

"This speaker is speechless! May I tell you about my week? It started on Monday after I gave a 10 min presentation in my networking group on how to use the Then Now and How formula. There were 22 people there, half already work with me. Of the remaining half (11) FIVE called me to talk about having me coach them or in one case coach his sales team!
The coaching most of them want isn't even for speaking it's for my Fire Your Fear coaching which was the example I used in my talk for my Then Now and How story! Today, I delivered the same talk, only it was 40 min and 60 women were hanging on every word! The best part of all this is that we GET to teach others how to do this too. It's a gift we can share. Once again, thank you Craig!"

Kathryn Mackenzie

"It is an incredible course for speakers who have been studying and want to continue raising the bar and their credentials as certified speaking coaches. I am proud to have earned this credential and will be even more proud to demonstrate my upgraded knowledge of speaking as a workshop facilitator and now as a certified world class speaking coach."

Martin Presse

Alberta, Canada

"If an unknown Canadian speaker, who spoke too fast, ran off stages and who hasn’t won the world championship of public speaking, can now command stages in Canada, Montana, Seattle, LA, and New York teaching exactly what was taught during that class, anybody can. Thank you!"

Change Your Future and Your Fortune Now

Now is your chance to become a Certified World Class Speaking Coach and build the business and the life your desire and deserve.

World Class Speaking Coaches

Several Successful Certified World Class Speaking Coaches and I took a picture together at a conference in Las Vegas

World Class Speaking Certification logo

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