100 Guerrilla Marketing Weapons For You

Mitch MeyersonHi Guerrillas!

If you have read some of the Guerrilla Marketing books you will know that one of the hallmarks of the series is the “100 Guerrilla Marketing Weapons”. These are marketing tools and strategies that you can use right away to attract new customers without spending a lot of money. Jay Conrad Levinson has written about them and I have created my own version for my Guerrilla Marketing Coach Certification Course.

So you can get started right now I have made a fully downloadable version  for you that you can print out and use right away! Just click on the link below and enjoy. No optin required.

-> 100 Guerrilla Marketing Weapons

(If you have trouble opening it, go to Adobe.com and download the current version of the Adobe PDF reader)

To Your Success!


The next Guerrilla Marketing Coach Certification starts in the fall and there is very limited seating. To hold your spot click here

The 100 Weapons chart was excerpted from the Guerrilla Marketing ToolkitÂ