Maybe its because I am a Pisces, but I love to be in the water. Give me a pool or hot tub any day and I am a happy guy. That’s why I moved to Scottsdale AZ.
Flashing back… I remember when I was living in Chicago one day I was listening to a Tony Robbins tape. He was taking about how he makes his work life more enjoyable by doing business calls in his hot tub. As you can see from this photo I never forgot that :)
You may not live in a warm climate, but my guess is that you can find new ways to enhance your lifestyle and make your work time more enjoyable.
With the WI-FI and 3G connections today consider taking some of your work out in the park, to a Starbucks or some scenic spot near you. Or maybe you have other fun ideas. You might find that a change in environment even for a short time can bring a new perspective to your work.
I’d be curious to hear about your lifestyle and how you make your work time more enjoyable.